in.spire - (in-spir') 1:to encourage somebody to greater effort, enthusiasm, or creativity (2): to move to a particular feeling in somebody. (3):To direct or guide (4):To give or provide inspiration. [Latin - inspirare "to breathe"]
Monday, February 15, 2010
Moral Issue
Is there such a thing as morally good and bad music? That would make no sense at all if morality were ony about justice and rights and duties, as it is in most modern discussion. But if morality is about the alighment or misalignment of our whole being with the goodness of God, then anything that touches or moves our whole being is morally relevant. And music certainly does that. -- Peter Kreeft in his book Making Choices.
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Dear Mrs. Pena,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting this quote. I have not read the book, "Making Choices", but we were discussing this very topic the other evening while studying I Corinthians. In a discussion about "roles" in the church, and "what is expected of Christians" in the church, we came to an agreement that God is not simply talking about our behavior or lifestyle in one setting, but in everything we do and everywhere we are. It not only determines the music we listen to, or the books we read, or the company we keep, it determines ALL of our choices about this life...including how we serve Him in the work we do. One of my sons is currently getting a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies, and we were discussing just what he should do with this knowledge once he graduates...should he teach in a "Christian" high school or university? (We are homeschoolers, and feel that God leads parents to "train"their own children.)Should he take this knowledge into missionary work? Every choice we make is so crucial...we should never look on them lightly. Thanks again for sharing.
God bless,