"It is easier to build bad than and good character. One can always go downhill with less difficulty than up, and glide with the current than row against it, and it is easier to drift with the crowd than to stand for the right. Bad character grows without effort. Just to be careless and indifferent to consequences may be the cause of downfall in one who would like to be noble. They who fall have been weak, for good character is strong.
Choose well as the days go by. Build for all time, not just for present pleasure. What you are building will bring you praise and satisfaction all your life, or it will be your curse and disgrace. Keep your measuring rod at hand and use it without stint. Reject all that falls short, no matter how pleasnat it may look. 'Is it right?' 'Is it glorifying to God?' 'Does it meet the approval of my parents?' are questions which you should be continually asking yourself as you decide what to do and what to leave undone. Many things that are fun end in wrong, much that seems pleasurable after a while comes to be evil, and everything like this should be rejected without hesitation. To do right will often mean a struggle, but it is always worth the effort. We dare not allow ourselves to be continually guided by what others do. Christ is our Perfect Pattern, and only those who form teir lives after Him are building the best character. He is the one great Pattern for us, His children." -- Beautiful Girlhood
in.spire - (in-spir') 1:to encourage somebody to greater effort, enthusiasm, or creativity (2): to move to a particular feeling in somebody. (3):To direct or guide (4):To give or provide inspiration. [Latin - inspirare "to breathe"]
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Good Character
Just an ordinary woman, striving to be that "aged" woman of Titus 2..teaching the younger women good things: so that they may be sober, love their husbands, love their children, and to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed.
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