Monday, March 8, 2010

Project India

Rebecca and Chris Galla have been ministering to Kollegal Girls Home in India for the last year or so. Rebecca asked us about making pillowcases for the girls. So Deborah and Moriah took on the project and make 65 pillowcase last week. They enjoyed this ministry and they look forward to blessing these girls again.
Three of the 65 girls over in India.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Miss Deborah and Miss Moriah,

    What a wonderful way to serve our Lord and to minister to these children so far away! From the looks of the pictures, you did a fabulous job! The cases are so pretty...I'm sure the girls will love having them. You both are certainly a blessing! Thank you for sharing your is very inspiring.

    God bless you both,
    Mrs. Laura


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