Sunday, March 7, 2010

What's up?


  1. That's a great question. Another one will be, "What is this picture of?" ;-)

  2. Of course there will be some brilliant people that will say...well, I don't know what they will say! Where are those brilliant people? We are all waiting to be enlightened.

  3. Dear Penas,

    I'm sorry...but I think this question is just a "shade" on the difficult side. Perhaps if you open the "door" just a tad and give us a hint...we might be able to "handle" this and not be so "blind"as to "What's Up?" Of course, the picture probably does have a "window of opportunity" for us to figure it out, but I guess I'm just not "seeing it too clearly". Oh, well, perhaps later in the day the "light" bulb will go on for me, and I'll be able to anwer the question intelligently!

    Have a wonderful day!
    Mrs. Laura


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