Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bach once said.."I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music."


  1. you know, that piece was really not by Bach

  2. Miss Anonymous, I do realize that this piece is not Bach, but probably Beethoven! Christianna took the pic and Moriah gave me the quote...I just thought it all fit together!! Love you Lydia!

  3. Actually, it looks just like Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata!

  4. Rebecca...oh how you must know your music!! Lydia played it at the talent night and did a marvelous job on an electric piano!!

  5. Yes, Rebecca - you're very perceptive. =) And I'm sure you know all about those electric instruments (you can't even call them a piano). When some parts of the piece are supposed to be piano it sounds as tho they were meant to be forte. Pity on those poor people who only have one of those "instruments".


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