I am a Keeper-of-our-home. So what do I do all day??? This is a question I am asked so frequently. Hmmm.
So, with this blog I thought that I would encourage my adult daughters in homemaking, and my maidens still at home in homemaking skills--with just the regular life at home. AND I would help answer THAT question people so often ask me. At least that is what I planned to do.
I have been looking over my blog and it seems that I am not doing as I set out to do. I didn't realize how absolutely charming granddaughters can be. Smile!
We have dear friends and family all across the US and across the world (Japan--dear Wilhites) and I so want to let all glimpse into our lives. For about 28 years of our marriage we have lived away from our families. For 24 of those years we have lived at least 1300 miles away. We have missed all the new births, birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations, funerals. I have often felt so far away. But now with internet (something I didn't have for many years) I can keep people in touch -- at least with little glimpses. It still is not the same as being there.
So back to my purpose for my blog, encouraging my girls to " be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." as Titus tells us. We as women are lacking this encouragement from the world today, not just the 'world' so to speak, but the 'christian world'. The encouragement is to get your degree, have a good job, send your children to good schools, make sure your "technology is up-to-date. Sometimes as women who understand that the Lord does want us to be keepers at home for His glory, we get entangled in the affairs of this world. I pray that I can be just a small encouragement to my daughters, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters to be content with what the Lord desires of us. The world often has so many attractions...that all seem so very good. But to keep our homes, love our children, and respect our husbands brings glory to God.
So not only do we enjoy every little giggle and cute expression from the granddaughters, but we also cook, clean, sew, decorate, garden, study, pray, hike, show hospitality(frequently)....oh I don't have time to list what keeps us busy. As I reflect back on my blog...it is just part of my life that I share. I am a keeper of our home.
So I should make a comment on the pictures. For lunch we served Bison burgers on freshly ground whole-wheat sesame seed sandwich buns that Christianna made. (with lettuce from the garden) At breakfast we had Father's Day Sundae's with fresh pineapple slices, strawberries, ricotta cheese, coconuts, and walnuts. Lydia made wonderful Maple-Almond muffins(Steve's Favorite) for Dad. So we cook...not just to get by, but to nourish and to delight.
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