Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is Winter

This post is for some of my favorite people --my Floridian Family!!  Especially for Brooke, Luke, and Grace, who have never seen snow!
This is winter!  Snow on the wood pile. Lots of snow on the wood pile. The wood pile provides heat-- when dug out from under the snow and put in the wood stove!
 Snow on the ground, snow on the roof (more about that in another post!), snow on the deck, snow on the steps!  Snow, Snow Everywhere!!

Snow on the play gym.  Wouldn't that be fun to jump in?  
Snow, Snow, Snow on the driveway.  The plow must come to plow us out....many times this year.
This is winter!


  1. Keep remembering, Mandy, after winter...comes SPRING!!!

    You are in my prayers today,

  2. Chris says we should be getting more of that cold, winter stuff around next Tuesday or so.

  3. I like the snow...and as long as it is going to be cold I want snow!!! I checked the weather...looks like possible snow shower on least you will already be up here...maybe if it snows big you can stay a while!!

  4. Beautiful snow. So white, and so clean. These pictures remind me of the verse-"Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Snow is sooo white it hurts. Imagine being whiter than that!


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