Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nathanael said:

 Praise the LORD! He does all things well!

  She said, Yes!!

The Lord has brought another young man and young lady together -- a commitment to marriage has been made for Nathanael Pena and Jesharelah Sax!  We are excited for them.


  1. Congratulations from Maine and the Wiley family.

  2. Dear Mandy,
    Ditto on what Joshua posted! As a mother, you must be so excited! Just think, you'll be adding another daughter! (I'm still waiting for my first!) Will the wedding be in South Dakota? Guess that's what you meant by Nathanael's announcement...what a blessed announcement! Please pass on our congratulations to them both.

    Oh, and by the way, I know that you said in your e-mail that this looks like a pretty busy year for you...but if you ever get the opportunity...our door is always open!


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