Monday, June 28, 2010

Standing on the Rock

Little ones are such a reminder of the mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Standing on the Rock, we cannot fall.


  1. Dear Friends,
    What a precious picture...I was just wondering...does this beautiful little miss have a new baby brother or sister yet?

  2. Laura,
    We are "patiently" waiting the arrival of Baby Galla. Rebecca is ready, especially with this heat making life a little more uncomfortable. Her 'offical' due date was July 3rd. Abigail came 2 weeks late, so we know that babies often don't know what the 'offical' date is!!

  3. Oh, I should say that I am sure it will be worth the wait.

  4. Dear Mandy,
    Poor dear...I hope it happens sooner than later for her. I was a little over a week overdue with my twins...they were born late in June. I remember how uncomfortable it was in the heat!


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