Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So as it was, Christianna and I were out taking care of some 'important business' on Tuesday afternoon.  Lydia called about 6pm, with news from my husband that we would be having company for the evening.  So my immediate thought: we were only having sandwiches and veggies for dinner but we had it was fine.  It was at that point I found out our visitor was not coming for dinner, but to spend the evening with us.  After inquiring more into this unexpected visit, I discover that company was would be arriving around 8pm to spend the night!!!  Two hours and I am not home. Oh!  I still had a couple stops to make and I needed to pick up Steve from the office...I had the car!

We had just had company over the weekend-- was the room washed and put in order, was the bathroom cleaned?  I was still in Keene, so my thoughts went to making sure the guest room was prepared.  Lydia said that the room had been cleaned and prepared.  Yes,  they had already set out the guest supplies(clean towels, washcloths, etc), and yes the bathroom was cleaned.  I wasn't home and able to take care of these items...but she had prepared enough for company in the past, that she didn't need my guidance on was done and ready for guests.    When I arrived home...all was in order!

Our unexpected special visitor was  Dr. Scott Sardonicus originally from New Hampshire, but now from Ohio. Steve has known him nearly since we have been in New Hampshire--nearly 24 years. Scott, also a chiropractor, practiced across the state in Wolfeboro, but now lives in Ohio.  My girls met him about 4 years ago when he came to our home one evening after Tabitha's accident. But that is really all we knew of Scott.

This morning after Steve went to the office, Scott took us on a field trip on our own land...learning about all the wild edible greens, the different kinds of mushrooms, the wild blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, the different types of trees, and a notice of the common and plenteous Poison Ivy!!  He wasn't just pointing out the plants, but the medicinal properties of each.  Scott re-sparked my interest in medicinal herbs--maybe I should say he fanned the little spark that was there.  What a wonderful time we had!  Unexpected!

So my morning was planned:
  • mowing the field
  • weed whacking the east side of the house
  • weeding the perennial bed
  • putting down the rest of the mulch
 I had made my plans..but God directed our steps.   Isn't He just so good!

A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.    Proverbs 16:9 


  1. What a wonderful plan the Lord had for your evening and morning! And it seems the better the plan He has, the harder the enemy comes at us about the "change" in "our" plans. Maybe one day we'll realize it! Something tells me that he is the last person to care whether you had things in perfect shape!! What a blessing!

  2. Linda,
    I am always amazed that when MY plans are changed it is always for the better. My girls had a wonderful time learning something I could never teach them. They also demonstrated a Christ like spirit to Scott.
    We shall have to meet one day if the Lord wills!

  3. Oh, stay tuned to what else Scott taught us...

  4. Keene on 'important business'. =) indeed!


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