Sunday, January 16, 2011

Serving as unto the Lord

A Bit of snowfall - 2 inches or so.
Driveway beautifully covered.
Problem..the 15 passenger van doesn't back up well on snow especially up hill.
We need to drive to the church meeting!
Servants of the Lord...
Lydia, Christianna, and Steve go out early Sunday morning to clear the drive for the van.

A special thanks for the willingness to go out in 10 degree weather just to serve your family!

 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24 


  1. sure looks chilly there! How wonderful that you all went out and cleared the driveway...we know how much work that can be! Last year our plow truck was having some "issues" we had to shovel our driveway after every storm. We're thinking that you all need an old plow truck...especially for that hill!

    Have a blessed evening,

  2. Usually our neighbor plows for us...but we like to shovel when it is only 2 or 3 is good exercise. Also even when the plow plows for us we have a lot of clean up to do. We are thankful that the girls always have a willing spirit to do this work.

  3. Such beautiful snow! And what joyous helpers! You are blessed!

  4. Emily, Yes we are blessed. Children are a gift from the Lord.

  5. I'm impressed that they were out there! I was thankful that our forecasted snow never showed up, so Chris didn't have to go out and shovel this morning. We only have one shovel...

  6. Only one shovel...seems like I should get Abigail one so she can help her Daddy!

  7. HEY!!! Rebecca, what do you mean you were 'impressed' that we were out there?! =)

    Lydia! See proof: I do shovel. ;)

  8. Oh we are having quite a bit of a cold front and tomorrow, sleet and snow - Ah winter!



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