Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Ballast for My Soul

Life is like a stormy sea
That tosses to and fro,
But God's Word will ever be 
A Ballast for my soul.
By its truth I'll be held fast 
Till I reach heaven's shore
Where I will be home at last
And sail life's sea no more!

                   —Perry Boardman 


  1. Mrs. Pena,
    This is a really nice poem. Living on the coast of Maine it is easy for me to relate to the poem's meaning. As ballast tanks provide stability for large cargo ships, the Word of God helps to keep us afloat as we sail the sea of life. Thank you for sharing this.


  2. Good Morning Mandy!
    I'm trying to follow your daughter's suggestion to comment on every post I read...don't know how successful I'll be! What a wonderful poem...we here on the coast can certainly identify with it...right now we are in the midst of quite a storm...snow, wind, cold...and I hear that you are experiencing the same. We are so thankful for a warm fire and a roof over our heads. God is good.

  3. Laura
    It is through the trials that I can really see the hand of God....we don't always know why something happens, but we know He is in control!

  4. Josh,
    I am sure living by the sea lends itself to many spiritual insights and examples. I know that the Lord is in control.


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