Sunday, February 13, 2011


What a wonderful weekend we had with the Vaichus Family from Watertown, CT.
Several weeks ago, Rebecca called wanting to plan a sledding weekend
to bring their family up to New Hampshire...well that sounded 
great!  -- Anything to see our little grandchildren!
Then she wanted to know if it would be alright to bring another family with them.
Well, I guess that would be fine.  
A family of 8?
That would be great.
So the weeks week by until the appointed time.
Saturday morning we meet some new friends!

After serving breakfast to 19 folks...(Stephen is still a non eater.),
We played games, interacted in conversation,and  examined the sledding hill!
For the weekend -- 14 children and 5 parents...

Lunch was served, children put down for naps, and the older children (and Chris)
grabbed their sleds and hiked out for adventures in down hill sledding!
After a big turkey dinner,we enjoyed  conversations, Settlers of Caton, chiropractic adjustments, chess challenges, word riddles, story telling, and more conversations.  
After the Remembrance meeting and a message by Tom Swaim, we enjoyed conversation around the fellowship meal.
About 4 oclock...we began our good by's...not to strangers...but to friends.  As the Vaichus' left our home...I heard voices saying "Mom, let's have them over again!".
The Galla family began their departure a bit later.  Hugs and kisses were given for by all for all....
 Abigail, Chris, Rebecca, and Stephen

Now isn't this the cutest little guy?
Looking carefully you can see two little white teeth on the bottom.
He crawls...where ever he likes even up the stairs.  He pulls up on what ever he.  He just turned 7 months old -- February 8th.


  1. How wonderful a time you all must have had! :o) And he is precious! ;o)

  2. Dear Mandy,

    What a special time for all of you! Of course, I couldn't imagine anything less...after all, you are such a wonderful hostess! We so enjoyed the short time we got to spend with all of you.

    Hope you are all having a blessed week...and that the sun is shining in NH!


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