Steve ask the girls to clean off the pool room seems to me that there are snowballs in the hands!!
Notice how high the snow is on the pool room!
Ahhh...I think I know where their snowballs were aiming...Steve is standing on an eight foot ladder removing ice from the gutters.
It seems the girls ARE planning to work on the roof...they now have the snow rake in hand.
Yep...looks like Christianna is going to pull some snow off the roof.
See how high the snow is compared to the roof.
So Lydia takes over with the shovel while Christianna packs the snow down for steps along the edge of the roof.
When the work is done...the play begins. Smile.
Winter is a blessing.
Soon winter will gone and Spring will be here.
I thought I had commented before, but for the record, we were not throwing snowballs at Dad. The target was actually the chimney. =)