Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Cross

In evil long I took delight, 
Unawed by shame or fear, 
Till a new object struck my sight, 
And stopped my wild career.

I saw One hanging on a tree, 
In agonies and blood; 
He fixed His languid eyes on me, 
    As near His cross I stood.

Sure never till my latest breath, 
Shall I forget that look! 
It seemed to charge me with His death, 
    Though not a word He spoke.

A second look He gave, which said, 
"I freely all forgive; 
This blood is for thy ransom paid; 
    I die that thou mayest live."

Thus while His death my sin displays 
In all its blackest hue, 
Such is the mystery of grace, 
    It seals my pardon too!

                    —John Newton 


  1. I had just read the first line of this song and immediately I thought, "This sounds like a John Newton song." Then lo and behold it really was. Thanks for posting. His songs are so real and passionate. Love you.


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